divendres, 5 d’agost del 2016

La setmana passada, com us havíem anunciat, vam celebrar els aniversaris del mes de juliol.

La propera festa serà el dijous 25 d'agost, mentrestant, felicitats als "cumpleanyerus" d'aquest mes!

Aurora Martín

Lucía García

Ignacio Carreño

María Bautista

Rosa MesasJaume Jané

1 comentari:

  1. Do this hack to drop 2lb of fat in 8 hours

    Over 160 000 men and women are losing weight with a simple and secret "liquid hack" to lose 1-2 lbs each night as they sleep.

    It's easy and it works with everybody.

    You can do it yourself by following these easy steps:

    1) Take a clear glass and fill it with water half the way

    2) Then follow this weight losing HACK

    so you'll be 1-2 lbs lighter when you wake up!
